Emily Chaddock – Mrs. Las Cruces

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I’m Emily Chaddock, your proud Mrs. Las Cruces and thrilled to be a part of this incredible pageant journey!
A bit about me: I’m happily married and a proud mom to a resilient 3-year-old girl who entered the world at 27 weeks. I’m a New Mexico State University graduate with a bachelors in Individualized studies with minor in Communications.

I currently work as the national events manager for the Preeclampsia Foundation, helping women, who went through the same thing I did, when I delivered my daughter as a 1lb 9 oz miracle.

My NICU journey led me to be featured in the national campaign for postpartum depression with the Office on Women’s Health (for the Surgeon General) – a cause close to my heart. I continue to share my passion with others.

Beyond the spotlight, I find joy in the simple pleasures of life, like getting lost in a good book and exploring new destinations.
I am super excited and honored to represent the vibrant community of Las Cruces!