Lorraine Vanessa – Mrs. Jacksonville

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Lorraine Vanessa is a model.

Current Involvement: VanessaTV

VanessaTV is her YouTube channel. She creates content for the channel based on
current events, specifically on music concerts and beauty pageants.

Hobbies: She enjoys going for long walks and reading.

Talent: She is a singer/vocalist, plays piano and a little guitar.

Platform: Alzheimer's Awareness 1 in 7 Americans dies from Alzheimer's each year. It's a life-changing illness that affects not only you but your family too. It's a scary realization for your family as memory loss starts to occur more often and dependence increases. I'm an advocate for Alzheimer's Awareness and believe awareness can decrease prevalence and target preventative measures.

Lorraine Vanessa is married with one child. Her husband is always away on work trips, and she is always home working on different projects. As hard as this may seem they make it work as they have the rest of their lives together and only now for tomorrow.